Custom Printing Logo Black Water Activated Reinforced Kraft Paper Tape

Značajke: Vodootporan

Primjena: maskiranje

Pattern printing: Printing can be provided

Size: Customer Size Accepted

Custom Printing Logo Black Water Activated Reinforced Kraft Paper Tape, a premium packaging tape made from eco-friendly kraft paper. This tape is designed with a water-activated adhesive for a secure, tamper-evident seal. The black color gives it a sleek, professional appearance, while custom printing allows businesses to display logos or messages. It is ideal for a variety of industries, including e-commerce, retail, and logistics, providing a strong, durable seal for packages and enhancing brand visibility. The reinforced design ensures the tape holds up under tough conditions, making it perfect for secure shipping and packaging.

Black Water Activated Reinforced Kraft Paper Tape Specifications

Atribut pojedinosti
Ljepilo Akril
Vrsta ljepila Ljepilo osjetljivo na pritisak
Značajke Vodootporan
Korištenje Maskiranje
Jednostrani i dvostrani Single-sided
Materijal Kraft papir
Tip Packing Tape, Paper Tape, Single Sided Tape, Self-Adhesive Paper
Debljina 0,13 mm
Ispis uzoraka Može se osigurati ispis
Cycle Length 350
Paper Core 50mm
Printing Treatment Digital Printing, Offset Printing
Naziv proizvoda Kraft papirna traka
Boja Customized Logo
Duljina 50 Meters, or Customized
Tip Self-Adhesive Tape, Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape
Veličina role za rezanje Prilagođeno
Uzorak Slobodno
Pakiranje Karton
Logo Prilagođeni logotip je prihvatljiv
Ispis Ispis osiguran
Prodajna jedinica Single Commodity
Veličina pakiranja jednog proizvoda 1X1X1 cm
Bruto težina jednog proizvoda 0.600 kg

Black Water Activated Reinforced Kraft Paper Tape pictures

Why Choose Custom Printing Logo Black Water Activated Reinforced Kraft Paper Tape?

As businesses strive for sustainability and enhanced branding, Custom Printing Logo Black Water Activated Reinforced Kraft Paper Tape stands out as an ideal packaging solution. This tape is designed for secure sealing, tamper-evident protection, and premium branding, all while being eco-friendly. Whether you run an e-commerce business, retail store, or logistics operation, this high-quality reinforced kraft paper tape is a smart choice for both aesthetics and durability.

What is Custom Printing Logo Black Water Activated Reinforced Kraft Paper Tape?

Custom Printing Logo Black Water Activated Reinforced Kraft Paper Tape is a premium packaging tape made from reinforced kraft paper with a water-activated adhesive. Unlike conventional plastic tapes, it creates a strong, tamper-resistant bond with corrugated boxes and other packaging materials. The black color provides a sleek, professional look, while custom printing allows businesses to enhance brand visibility by adding logos, messages, or promotional elements. Reinforced with fibers, this tape ensures added strength and durability, making it ideal for heavy-duty applications.

Key Benefits of Custom Printing Logo Black Water Activated Reinforced Kraft Paper Tape

  • Ekološki prihvatljivo: Made from biodegradable kraft paper, this tape is a sustainable alternative to plastic-based packaging tapes.
  • Superior Strength: The reinforced fibers provide additional durability, preventing breakage and ensuring secure package sealing.
  • Water-Activated Adhesion: Once moistened, the adhesive forms a strong bond with packaging surfaces, ensuring a tamper-evident seal.
  • Prilagođena marka: Businesses can enhance their brand presence by printing logos, taglines, and promotional messages on the tape.
  • Profesionalni izgled: The sleek black design creates a high-end, professional look that enhances the visual appeal of packaging.
  • Temperature and Moisture Resistant: The reinforced kraft material is resistant to varying environmental conditions, ensuring reliability during transit.

Applications of Custom Printing Logo Black Water Activated Reinforced Kraft Paper Tape

This versatile tape is widely used across various industries that prioritize both security and sustainability. Some of its key applications include:

  • E-commerce Packaging: Ideal for sealing online orders, offering a secure and branded unboxing experience.
  • Retail and Luxury Packaging: Provides a premium, high-end look for businesses looking to elevate their packaging aesthetics.
  • Dostava i logistika: Ensures secure, reinforced sealing for packages that undergo long-distance transportation.
  • Food and Beverage Industry: Safe for eco-friendly food packaging and premium beverage shipping solutions.
  • Industrial and Manufacturing: Suitable for heavy-duty packaging needs that require enhanced strength and reliability.

Why Choose a Reliable Manufacturer?

When selecting a Custom Printing Logo Black Water Activated Reinforced Kraft Paper Tape manufacturer, it is essential to consider the following factors:

  • Material Quality: Ensure the manufacturer provides high-grade kraft paper with strong fiber reinforcement.
  • Customization Options: Look for a supplier that offers precise, high-quality printing for branding purposes.
  • Eco-Certifications: Choose a manufacturer committed to sustainability and responsible sourcing.
  • Bulk Order Pricing: Opt for cost-effective pricing models, especially for businesses with high packaging demands.
  • Customer Service and Support: A trusted manufacturer should offer expert guidance on design, customization, and bulk order management.


For businesses seeking a durable, eco-friendly, and visually appealing packaging solution, Custom Printing Logo Black Water Activated Reinforced Kraft Paper Tape is an excellent choice. With its reinforced strength, professional black design, and branding potential, this tape is a valuable addition to any packaging strategy. Whether you’re sealing shipments, enhancing product presentation, or prioritizing sustainability, choosing the right manufacturer ensures high-quality, reliable packaging that aligns with your business goals.

Često postavljana pitanja

P1: Koji je vaš MOQ?

O: Postavite svoju početnu narudžbu po najnižoj MOQ, 1000 komada može prilagoditi ono što želite na kraft papirnim trakama.

P2: besplatan uzorak?

O: Dajemo uzorke besplatno, ali morate snositi ekspresne troškove.

P3: Koje materijale treba osigurati da biste dobili točnu ponudu?

O: Morate navesti duljinu, širinu, debljinu i količinu proizvoda. Osigurat ćemo vam najbolju cijenu.

P4: Može li se naš privatni logo/oznaka otisnuti na pakiranju?

O: Da, vaš osobni logotip/naljepnica može se otisnuti na pakiranju uz vaše zakonsko dopuštenje, podržavamo OEM uslugu u skladu sa zahtjevima naših klijenata dugi niz godina.

P5: Koji su vaši uvjeti plaćanja?

O: Uvjeti plaćanja: TT 40% predujam depozita, 60% Stanje prije slanja Vrijeme isporuke: 7-12 radnih dana nakon potvrde depozita Načini dostave: Pomorskim putem, Zračnim putem, DHL-om, Fedexom

P6: Što trebam učiniti ako primim oštećene ili neispravne proizvode?

P6: Što trebam učiniti ako primim oštećene ili neispravne proizvode?

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