Custom Printed Logo Water Activated Brown Kraft Paper Tape Factory

Adhesive type: water foam

Material: kraft paper

Thickness: 140μ

Sample: free of charge

The image showcases Custom Printed Logo Water Activated Brown Kraft Paper Tape, a durable and eco-friendly packaging solution. Made from high-quality kraft paper, this tape features a water-activated adhesive, providing a strong bond for secure packaging. Its custom printing options allow businesses to add logos, safety messages, or branding, enhancing their identity. Ideal for e-commerce, logistics, and shipping, it offers tamper-evident sealing, ensuring package integrity during transit. This tape is not only sustainable but also reliable for long-distance shipping and various packaging needs.

Water Activated Brown Kraft Paper Tape Specifications

Attribute Details
Ragasztóanyag Gumi
Ragasztó típus Water Foam
Jellemzők Vízálló
Alkalmazás Karton lezárás
Single and Double-Sided Egyoldalas
Anyag Nátronpapír
Írja be Paper Tape, Packaging Tape, Single-Sided Tape
Vastagság 140μ
Mintanyomtatás Nyomtatás megoldható
Printing Treatment Digital Printing
Termék neve Water-Activated Enhanced Kraft Paper Tape
Szín Brown
Function Environmentally Friendly, Biodegradable, Customized Logo
Szélesség Custom Width
Hossz Egyedi hossz
Minimális rendelési mennyiség 2000 Rolls
Minta Free of Charge
Értékesítési egység Single Product
Single Product Packaging Size 13X13X6 cm
Single Product Gross Weight 0.400 kg

Water Activated Brown Kraft Paper Tape pictures

Enhance Your Packaging with Custom Printed Logo Water Activated Brown Kraft Paper Tape Factory

In an era where sustainability and brand visibility are essential, businesses are increasingly turning to eco-friendly packaging solutions. One such innovation that is revolutionizing the packaging industry is Custom Printed Logo Water Activated Brown Kraft Paper Tape. This tape not only provides a secure seal but also enhances your brand’s presence while adhering to environmental responsibility. Whether you run an e-commerce store, a logistics company, or a retail business, investing in high-quality kraft paper tape can significantly benefit your operations.

What is Water Activated Brown Kraft Paper Tape?

Water-activated kraft paper tape, also known as gummed tape, is a strong and durable sealing solution made from biodegradable kraft paper with a starch-based adhesive. Unlike self-adhesive plastic tapes, this tape requires moisture to activate the adhesive, which then bonds securely to the surface of cartons and packaging materials. Once applied, it creates a tamper-evident and reinforced seal that enhances security and durability.

Benefits of Using Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape

  • Környezetbarát anyag: Made from biodegradable kraft paper, this tape is an excellent alternative to plastic tapes and aligns with sustainable packaging initiatives.
  • Strong and Secure Bond: The water-activated adhesive penetrates carton surfaces, creating a strong bond that prevents tampering and ensures package integrity.
  • Custom Branding Options: Businesses can personalize their packaging by printing logos, slogans, or safety messages, reinforcing their brand identity.
  • Enhanced Security: Once applied, the tape forms a tamper-evident seal, preventing unauthorized access.
  • Durability and Resistance: This tape is resistant to temperature variations, dust, and moisture, making it suitable for long-distance shipping.

Industries That Benefit from Custom Printed Kraft Paper Tape

Several industries can take advantage of water-activated kraft paper tape, including:

  • E-commerce and Retail: Offering an eco-friendly and professional packaging solution for online businesses.
  • Logistics and Shipping: Ensuring secure and tamper-proof packaging for courier and fulfillment services.
  • Food and Beverage Industry: Providing a sustainable sealing option for food-grade packaging.
  • Manufacturing and Warehousing: Improving packaging efficiency and ensuring secure transit.

How to Choose the Right Manufacturer?

Finding a reliable Custom Printed Logo Water Activated Brown Kraft Paper Tape Factory is crucial to ensure quality and performance. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a manufacturer:

  • Quality Assurance: Ensure the tape is made from high-quality kraft paper with a strong adhesive formulation.
  • Customization Options: Choose a manufacturer that offers custom printing for brand enhancement.
  • Eco-Friendly Certifications: Look for products that meet sustainability and environmental standards.
  • Competitive Pricing: Consider bulk order discounts and cost-effective solutions.
  • Customer Support: A reputable manufacturer should provide reliable customer service and technical assistance.


Switching to Custom Printed Logo Water Activated Brown Kraft Paper Tape is an effective way to enhance packaging security, promote sustainability, and elevate brand recognition. By choosing a reliable manufacturer, businesses can ensure they receive high-quality, customizable, and eco-friendly packaging tape solutions. Whether you’re looking to improve your supply chain efficiency or create a memorable unboxing experience for customers, kraft paper tape is a game-changer in modern packaging.

Gyakran Ismételt Kérdés

Q1: Mi az Ön MOQ-ja?

V: Adja le kezdeti rendelését a legalacsonyabb MOQ-nál, 1000 db személyre szabhatja a kívánt nátronpapír szalagokon.

Q2: Ingyenes minta?

V: Ingyenes mintákat biztosítunk, de Önnek kell viselnie az expressz költséget.

Q3: Milyen anyagokat kell biztosítani a pontos árajánlat megszerzéséhez?

V: Meg kell adnia a termék hosszát, szélességét, vastagságát és mennyiségét. A legjobb árat biztosítjuk Önnek.

4. kérdés: Nyomtatható-e privát logónk/címkénk a csomagolásra?

V: Igen, saját logója / címke nyomtatható a csomagolásra az Ön törvényes felhatalmazása alapján, az OEM szolgáltatást ügyfeleink igényei szerint évek óta támogatjuk.

Q5: Mik a fizetési feltételei?

V: Fizetési feltételek: TT 40% előleg, 60% Egyenleg szállítás előtt Átfutási idő: 7-12 munkanap a letét megerősítése után Szállítási módok: Tengeren, Légi úton, DHL-en keresztül, Fedex

6. kérdés: Mit tegyek, ha sérült vagy hibás termékeket kapok?

6. kérdés: Mit tegyek, ha sérült vagy hibás termékeket kapok?

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