Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape For Box Packaging

Features: writable, easy tear

Single and double sides: Single side

Материјал: Крафт папир

Thickness: 120mic-185mic

Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape For Box Packaging. Each roll features unique designs and logos, highlighting the versatility of this eco-friendly packaging solution. This type of tape is water-activated, providing strong adhesion to cardboard, which ensures secure packaging for products during shipping. The custom branding on each tape allows businesses to enhance their packaging with their own logos and messages, promoting brand identity while supporting sustainability. This product is an ideal choice for businesses aiming to improve their packaging’s functionality and visual appeal while reducing their environmental footprint.

Спецификације производа

Атрибут Детаљи
Адхесиве Гума
Адхесиве Типе Water Foam Adhesive, Hot Melt Adhesive
Карактеристике Writable, Easy Tear
Usage Маскирање
Једностране и двостране Сингле Сиде
Материјал Крафт папир
Тип Packing Tape
Дебљина 120mic-185mic
Паттерн Принтинг Штампање се може обезбедити
Paper Core 76mm
Printing Treatment Offset Printing
Назив производа Custom Kraft Paper Tape
Материјал Крафт папир
Боја Brown / White / Colored
Тип Reinforced / Plain / Perforated
Лепак Water Activated / Starch / Hot Melt
Advantages Beautiful Printing and Environmentally Friendly
Апликација Картонска амбалажа
Лого Accept Custom Logo
ОЕМ Accept OEM Service
Узорак Узорак доступан

Слике производа

Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape For Box Packaging: A Sustainable and Effective Solution

Introduction to Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape

In the world of packaging, ensuring that your products are securely sealed and presented is key to both customer satisfaction and business success. The Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape For Box Packaging is an ideal solution for companies looking to enhance their packaging while maintaining sustainability. This unique tape is not just functional, but also customizable, allowing businesses to showcase their brand through personalized logos and designs.

Why Choose Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape?

Packaging plays a crucial role in how products are perceived by customers. Custom water-activated kraft tape offers a more eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic tapes, making it the perfect choice for businesses committed to sustainability. The Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape For Box Packaging is made from natural kraft paper and is activated using water, ensuring a strong, durable bond without the need for additional adhesives or chemicals.

By using water-activated technology, this tape provides superior adhesion to cardboard boxes, preventing tampering and ensuring that products remain intact during transit. The ability to customize the tape with your brand’s logo or unique design enhances the overall packaging aesthetic, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to improve their packaging’s visual appeal while maintaining environmental responsibility.

Benefits of Using Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape For Box Packaging

  • Eco-Friendly and Sustainable: The water-activated kraft tape is made from renewable resources and can be fully recycled, helping to reduce the environmental footprint of your packaging.
  • Strong and Secure Seal: The tape’s water-activated adhesive forms a permanent bond with cardboard, making it difficult for tampering or damage to occur during shipping and handling.
  • Custom Branding Opportunity: Businesses can print their logos, slogans, or other promotional messages on the tape, allowing for a professional, branded look that enhances brand recognition.
  • Versatile Use: Suitable for a wide range of packaging applications, from shipping boxes to retail packaging, this tape works perfectly for small businesses, large corporations, and everything in between.
  • Increased Durability: The water-activated adhesive creates a stronger bond, which is more durable and resistant to temperature changes than traditional pressure-sensitive tapes.

How Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape Works

Unlike traditional tapes that rely on pressure-sensitive adhesives, Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape For Box Packaging uses water to activate the adhesive on the tape. When water is applied, the adhesive is activated, allowing it to bond securely to cardboard or other surfaces. This results in a much stronger hold compared to regular tapes, which are more prone to peeling off in transit.

The customization options for this tape are vast. Companies can choose to have their logos printed directly onto the tape, or they can add specific designs, product details, or messages. This can help create a professional, branded look that reinforces your company’s image. Whether you’re shipping products, sending out promotional material, or simply looking to add a personal touch to your packaging, custom water-activated kraft tape is an ideal choice.

Applications of Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape

One of the greatest advantages of Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape For Box Packaging is its versatility. Whether you are packaging fragile items, storing products for long periods, or simply sending out promotional gifts, this tape can be used in a variety of situations. Some of its common applications include:

  • Shipping Boxes: Ensuring that items arrive at their destination safely and securely is critical for e-commerce businesses. Water-activated kraft tape helps keep boxes sealed during transit, preventing items from shifting or becoming damaged.
  • Малопродајно паковање: Adding a personalized touch to your retail packaging not only improves the unboxing experience for your customers but also provides a marketing opportunity that increases brand recognition.
  • Fragile or Heavy Duty Shipments: This tape offers extra strength, making it perfect for shipping fragile or heavy items that require secure packaging to prevent damage during handling.
  • Promotional Packages: Sending out promotional packages with custom-branded tape makes a statement, reinforcing your brand message and creating a memorable experience for customers.

Why Sustainability Matters in Packaging

In today’s eco-conscious world, many consumers and businesses are prioritizing sustainability in their purchasing decisions. Traditional plastic tapes contribute significantly to environmental waste, as they are not biodegradable and are difficult to recycle. By switching to Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape For Box Packaging, companies can drastically reduce their environmental impact while still providing effective and attractive packaging solutions.

The kraft paper used in this tape is sourced from sustainable forests, ensuring that your packaging solution is environmentally responsible. Furthermore, since the tape is water-activated, it eliminates the need for harsh chemicals or solvents, further contributing to its eco-friendly nature.

Conclusion: The Perfect Choice for Your Packaging Needs

Тхе Custom Logo Water Activated Kraft Tape For Box Packaging offers a unique combination of sustainability, security, and customization, making it an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re looking to secure your shipments, enhance your branding, or reduce your environmental footprint, this tape provides a reliable and eco-friendly solution for all your packaging needs.

Често постављана питања

П1: Који је ваш МОК?

О: Поставите своју почетну поруџбину на најнижи МОК, 1000 комада може прилагодити оно што желите на крафт папирним тракама.

П2: Бесплатан узорак?

О: Пружамо узорке бесплатно, али морате сносити експресне трошкове.

П3: Које материјале треба обезбедити да бисте добили тачну понуду?

О: Морате да наведете дужину, ширину, дебљину и количину производа. Ми ћемо вам пружити најбољу цену.

П4: Може ли се наш приватни лого / етикета одштампати на паковању?

О: Да, ваш приватни лого / етикета може се одштампати на амбалажи након вашег законског овлашћења, подржавамо ОЕМ услугу у складу са захтевима наших клијената дуги низ година.

П5: Који су ваши услови плаћања?

О: Услови плаћања: ТТ 401ТП3Т депозит аванс, 601ТП3Т стање пре испоруке Време испоруке: 7-12 радних дана након потврде депозита Начини испоруке: морем, ваздухом, ДХЛ-ом, Федек-ом

П6: Шта да радим ако добијем оштећене или неисправне производе?

П6: Шта да радим ако добијем оштећене или неисправне производе?

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