Custom White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape

Материјал: Крафт папир

Adhesive Type: Water Foam

Single and Double Sided: Single

Дебљина: 125 микрона

Custom White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape, a durable and eco-friendly packaging solution. This tape features strong, water-activated adhesive, making it ideal for securely sealing packages. The kraft paper is biodegradable, offering an environmentally responsible choice for businesses. The 48mm width ensures excellent coverage, and the custom printing option allows for brand visibility. It is perfect for e-commerce, shipping, and storage, providing both functionality and a polished presentation. This tape is perfect for companies looking to improve their packaging while staying environmentally conscious and enhancing brand recognition.

White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tap Specifications

Attribute Details
Адхесиве Акрил
Адхесиве Типе Water Foam
Карактеристике Anti-static
Апликација Заптивање
Једнострани и двострани Сингле
Материјал Крафт папир
Дебљина 125миц
Паттерн Принтинг Printing Available
Тип Reinforced/Tingle/Perforated
Боја Brown/White/Brown & White
Лого Customized Logo Accepted
Лепак Vegetable Glue
ОЕМ Прихватљиво
Payment Terms T/T
Узорак Слободно
Време испоруке 7-12 Days
Core 50mm
Минимална количина поруџбине 1000
Продајна јединица Сингле Итем
Single Item Packaging Size 5X5X5 cm
Single Item Gross Weight 0.500 kg

White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape pictures

Custom White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape – A Sustainable and Strong Packaging Solution

Introduction to Custom White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape

The “Custom White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape” is the perfect solution for businesses that need a high-quality, sustainable, and visually appealing packaging tape. Made from eco-friendly kraft paper, this tape is designed to provide superior strength, durability, and ease of use for all your packaging needs. The enhanced water-activated adhesive offers a strong bond, ensuring that your packages are securely sealed, while also allowing you to incorporate custom branding elements like logos and designs. With its natural brown color and unique white printing option, this tape is a perfect fit for companies focused on sustainability and brand visibility.

Exceptional Features of Custom White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape

One of the standout features of the Custom White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape is its water-activated adhesive, which is activated by water, allowing the tape to form a strong, lasting bond with cardboard and other packaging materials. This eliminates the need for plastic-based tapes, making it a more environmentally friendly choice. The water-activated adhesive also creates a tamper-evident seal, giving added security to packages and reducing the chances of package tampering during transit.

The 48mm width provides excellent coverage for a wide variety of packaging sizes and applications. Whether you’re shipping products for e-commerce or simply packing boxes for storage, this tape offers the perfect balance of width, strength, and ease of use. The custom printing feature allows you to showcase your logo or branding directly on the tape, making it a marketing tool in addition to a practical packaging solution. The brown kraft paper gives a natural and earthy appearance, while the white printed designs add an elegant touch, making it visually appealing and easy to recognize.

Durability and Strength

When it comes to packaging, strength and durability are paramount. The Custom White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape excels in both areas. Its strong adhesive creates a secure bond, making it perfect for heavy-duty packages and long-distance shipments. The tape’s kraft paper construction provides additional strength and resistance to tearing, ensuring that your packages remain sealed throughout the shipping process, no matter the conditions they face. Additionally, the water-activated adhesive enhances the tape’s durability, even in humid or wet environments, which is a common issue with traditional tapes.

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

In today’s world, sustainability is at the forefront of many businesses’ priorities. The Custom White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape offers a greener alternative to plastic-based tapes, making it an excellent choice for environmentally-conscious companies. The kraft paper is biodegradable, and the water-activated adhesive is non-toxic, meaning it won’t harm the environment when disposed of. This makes the tape an ideal option for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable packaging process.

By choosing this eco-friendly tape, you align your brand with sustainability efforts, which can appeal to a growing number of consumers who prefer environmentally responsible products. Additionally, the tape is recyclable, ensuring that your packaging materials can be repurposed once your product reaches its destination, further reducing waste.

Applications of Custom White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape

The versatility of the Custom White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape makes it ideal for a variety of applications. It is perfect for e-commerce businesses looking for a secure, eco-friendly, and visually appealing way to package products. The ability to customize the tape with logos and branding makes it a great marketing tool, helping you stand out and create a memorable unboxing experience for customers.

Beyond e-commerce, this tape is also suitable for shipping, storage, and moving. Its strong adhesive and durable construction make it perfect for sealing boxes of all sizes and ensuring that they remain secure during transit. Whether you are sending packages across the country or storing items in a warehouse, this tape provides a reliable solution for all your packaging needs. It is especially useful for businesses in industries like food and beverage, clothing, electronics, and more, where product safety and secure packaging are crucial.


In conclusion, the Custom White Brown 48mm Enhanced Water Activated Kraft Paper Tape is an excellent choice for businesses looking for a sustainable, durable, and customizable packaging solution. Its water-activated adhesive, combined with strong kraft paper construction, ensures that your packages are securely sealed, making it ideal for shipping and storage. The ability to incorporate custom branding, combined with its eco-friendly nature, makes it a perfect addition to any business’s packaging materials. By choosing this tape, you not only improve the quality of your packaging but also contribute to a greener planet.

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